MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands and its affiliates (collectively, "our," "us," or "we") operate websites, provide products and services through mobile and other applications, and develop software that are governed, as applicable, by our Terms of Use (our "TOU"). Certain terms used in this document have the meanings set forth in our TOU. These supplemental terms (the "Supplemental Terms of Use" or this "Supplemental TOU") apply to our sites and services related to the legal industry and are incorporated into our TOU. If there is any conflict between this Supplemental TOU and our TOU, this Supplemental TOU will control. This Supplemental TOU does not apply to those sites and services that do not display or link to this Supplemental TOU, or that have their own supplemental terms of use. By using our sites and services, you are a "user" and you accept and agree to our TOU and this Supplemental TOU as a legal contract between you and us. It is your responsibility to review this Supplemental TOU and our TOU. If at any time you find the TOU or Supplemental TOU unacceptable or if you do not agree, please do not use our sites and services. We may revise this Supplemental TOU at any time and without notice to you.


Our sites and services provide access to independent attorneys, self-help services, including general information related to the law, and lawyers designed to help users safely cope with their own legal needs. Our sites and services also provide services to lawyers and other legal professionals.

We are not lawyers or a law firm and we do not provide legal, business or tax advice. None of our representatives are lawyers and they also do not provide legal, business or tax advice. The accuracy, completeness, adequacy or currency of the content is not warranted or guaranteed. Our sites and services are not substitutes for the advice or services of an attorney. We recommend you consult a lawyer or other appropriate professional if you want legal, business or tax advice.

We strive to keep our content and documents accurate, current and up-to date. However, because the law changes rapidly, we cannot guarantee that all of the information on the site and services is completely current. The law is different from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and may be subject to interpretation by different courts. The law is a personal matter, and no general information or legal tool like the kind we provide can fit every circumstance. Furthermore, the legal information contained on the site and services is not legal advice and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up-to-date. Therefore, if you need legal advice for your specific problem, or if your specific problem is too complex to be addressed by our tools, you should consult a licensed attorney in your area. Our sites and services are not intended to create any attorney-client relationship, and your use of our sites and services does not and will not in any circumstance create an attorney-client relationship between you and us. We are not a lawyer referral service and the sites and services and other resources and information are for personal use only. 

Lawyer Services for Users

Our sites and services offer you several ways to identify and locate an attorney (or other legal services), including advertisements for lawyers, a searchable directory of lawyers and law firms, or our lawyer service provides information on lawyers and law firms willing to contact you with your permission (collectively, "lawyer services"). The inclusion of lawyers and law firms in the lawyer services requires only a payment by such lawyers or law firms and we make no recommendation as to any such lawyers or law firms. The decision to retain an attorney is an important one, and one that you must make carefully based on your own judgment and evaluation of that attorney. If you are using the lawyer services, you should read the following terms and conditions below. If you disagree with these terms and conditions, please do not use the lawyer services.

  • At no time is an attorney-client relationship fostered or created with us through the performance of any such lawyer services.

  • Our sites and services are only one source of information among the many sources that are available to you. You may wish to consider multiple sources in order to make an informed attorney selection decision.

  • You understand any attorney listings or directories are provided by third parties and may contain inaccurate, incomplete or outdated information. You must independently verify the accuracy of any information you obtain from our sites and services.

  • We will never refer you to a specific attorney or service. You are solely responsible for making a selection of an attorney or other service and determining whether the information you obtain through your use of our sites is suitable for your purposes. Any agreements regarding legal services or fees must be done outside the scope of our sites and are strictly between the user and the third party and do not involve us in any way. We do not receive any portion of any attorney's or law firm's fees. We are not involved in or responsible for any transactions that might occur, and we do not guarantee that such transactions will occur.

  • The release and security of any sensitive or confidential information transmitted by you to any attorney or service is your sole responsibility.

  • We do not recommend or endorse any particular attorney or legal service and make no representation, guarantee or warranty (express or implied) as to the legal ability, competence, quality, or reliability of any legal services provided by any of these lawyer services. Prior to inclusion in our listings, we confirm a lawyer's status with the applicable State Bar; however, we do not perform ongoing reviews of a lawyer's status and we do not and have not investigated or vetted the qualifications, experience or other matters related to the lawyers, law firms or any legal services. You must independently verify the qualifications of any such legal professionals and services.

  • The selection of a participating lawyer or law firm as part of the lawyer services is the result of a neutral process that involves no evaluative judgment on our part and when a lawyer or law firm is included, it does not mean that lawyer or law firm is the “best” or “right” lawyer or service for your needs or that the lawyer or law firm is otherwise preferred over other lawyers or law firms. Further, the selection of a participating lawyer of law firm as a part of the lawyer services is not based on an analysis of your potential legal problem.

  • Ratings of an attorney in any of our lawyer services are not an endorsement of the particular attorney, and does not guarantee the attorney’s quality, competence, or character. Ratings are assessments based on public data and information provided by the attorney.
  • We cannot perform a check for conflicts of interest between you and an attorney provided by a lawyer service.

  • When using lawyer services, you may be required to provide some personal information such as name, address, email address, or telephone number. If provided, you grant us a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive and fully sublicensable license to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, publish and translate personal information solely for the purpose of enabling your use of the lawyers services. We have no control and make no representations as to the use of personal information provided to third-party lawyer services advertising on our sites. For information on these privacy practices, contact the lawyer service for their terms of use and privacy policies.

  • The term "experience" or "experienced" as used on the site and services is not intended to be a comparison to any other attorney’s services or qualifications.


  • You also should be aware that certain states and jurisdictions have special rules relating to legal services. You should contact your state or local jurisdiction for more information.  While not intending to be exhaustive, please note the following additional state-specific attorney advertising disclosures if you live in the following states:
    • Alabama: No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.
    • Colorado: No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers. Colorado does not certify lawyers as specialists in any field.
    • Florida: Florida Rule of Professional Conduct 4-7.10(c) defines a lawyer referral service as "(1) any person, group of persons, association, organization, or entity that receives a fee or charge for referring or causing the direct or indirect referral of a potential client to a lawyer drawn from any specific group or panel of lawyers; or (2) any group or pooled advertising program operated by any person, group of persons, association, organization, or entity wherein the legal services advertisements utilize a common telephone number and potential clients are then referred only to lawyers or law firms participating in the group or pooled advertising program." For purposes of the Florida Rules of Professional Conduct only (the "Florida Rules"), our sites may be deemed a lawyer referral service as defined in the Florida Rules. Rule 4-7.10(a)(10) requires that all lawyer referral services (as defined in the Florida Rules) must affirmatively state in all advertisements that it is a lawyer referral service. For those reasons, for purposes of the Florida Rules only, our sites are a lawyer referral service and any statements in the Terms and Conditions to the contrary are inapplicable in Florida.
    • Iowa: No representation is made regarding the quality of legal services that have been or will be performed.
    • Minnesota: Past results afford no guarantee of future results; each matter is different and must be judged on its own merits.
    • Missouri: The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements.
    • Nebraska: No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers. Past results afford no guarantee of future results; each matter is different and must be judged on its own merits.
    • New Mexico: Past successes cannot be an assurance of future success because each matter must be decided on its own merits.
    • New York: Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. The lawyer services offered are not making a recommendation as to any lawyer or law firm and do not vet the qualifications of such lawyers and law firms. Being included on the list of participating lawyers requires only a payment and the selection of a participating lawyer from that list is the result of a neutral process that involves no evaluative judgment. When a lawyer is included from that list, it does not mean that lawyer is the “best” or “right” lawyer for your needs or that the lawyer is otherwise preferred over other lawyers. Lawyers or law firms willing to contact you with your permission as a part of our lawyer services pay an additional fee that is separate from the fee they pay for inclusion in our searchable directory of lawyers and law firms. Lawyers or law firms that do not pay this additional fee are not included in this service.
    • Wyoming: The Wyoming State Bar does not certify any lawyer as a specialist or expert.
    • South Dakota: No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers. Past successes cannot be an assurance of future success because each matter must be decided on its own merits. Any customer review on this web-site does not constitute a guaranty, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter.
    • Utah: No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers. Past successes cannot be an assurance of future success because each matter must be decided on its own merits.
    • Wyoming: No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers. Past results afford no guarantee of future results; each matter is different and must be judged on its own merits. The Wyoming State Bar does not certify any lawyer as a specialist or expert. Anyone considering a lawyer should independently investigate the lawyer's credentials and ability, and not rely upon advertisements or self-proclaimed expertise.

Self-help Services.

Our sites and services offer you ways to access legal information and handle legal matters yourself with do-it-yourself products and services (the "self-help services"). If you are using the self-help services, you should read the terms and conditions below. If you disagree with these terms and conditions, please do not use the self-help services.

Ownership. The sites and services are owned and operated by us. All right, title and interest in and to the materials provided on the site and services, including but not limited to information, documents, logos, graphics, sounds and images (the "Materials") are owned either by us or by our respective third party authors, developers or vendors ("Third Party Providers"). Except as otherwise expressly provided by us, none of the Materials may be copied, reproduced, republished, downloaded, uploaded, posted, displayed, transmitted or distributed in any way and nothing on the site or services shall be construed to confer any license under any of our intellectual property rights, whether by estoppel, implication or otherwise. We do not sell, license, lease or otherwise provide any of the Materials other than those specifically identified as being provided by us. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by us.

Limited Permission to Download. We grant you permission to download, view, copy and print the Materials on any single, stand-alone computer solely for your personal, informational, non-commercial use provided that (i) where provided, the copyright and trademark notices appearing on any Materials not be altered or removed, (ii) the Materials are not used on any other website or in a networked computer environment and (iii) the Materials are not modified in any way, except for authorized editing of downloadable forms for personal use. This permission terminates automatically without notice if you breach any of the terms or conditions of the TOU or Supplemental TOU. On any such termination, you agree to immediately destroy any downloaded or printed Materials. Any unauthorized use of any Materials contained on the sites and services may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, laws of privacy and publicity and communications regulations and statutes.

License to Use. We grant you a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use our forms (the "Forms") for your own personal, internal business use, or if you are an attorney or professional, for your client. Except as otherwise provided, you acknowledge and agree that you have no right to modify, edit, copy, reproduce, create derivative works of, reverse engineer, alter, enhance or in any way exploit any of the Forms in any manner, except for modifications in filling out the Forms for your authorized use. You shall not remove any copyright notice from any Form. By ordering or downloading Forms, you agree that the Forms you purchase or download may only be used by you for your personal or business use or used by you in connection with your client and may not be sold or redistributed without our express written consent.

The self-help services are provided on an "as-is" basis without any warranties of any kind. Any data and information you enter into any forms, products or services will appear exactly as entered by you in any such documents, products or services that you order through the self-help services. You are solely responsible for providing current, accurate, complete and adequate data and information, and verifying the currentness, accuracy, completeness and adequacy of any data and information provided, through the self-help services. We do not and will not verify or correct any data or information provided by you through the self-help services. We will not replace or exchange any products or services or provide any refunds for any products or services (1) purchased by you which include any non-current, inaccurate, incomplete, or inadequate data or information or (2) purchased by you based on non-current, inaccurate, incomplete, or inadequate data or information provided by you through the self-help services.

Notwithstanding the TOU, certain self-help services may require you to enter personal, confidential or proprietary information of a third party. You represent and warrant that you have (1) obtained all rights, licenses or other permissions from any third party necessary to use the self-help services and to grant the rights to us to use such information pursuant to the TOU, and (2) that your use of any third party personal, confidential or proprietary information does not and will not violate any privacy, intellectual property rights or any other rights of any third party.

Links to Third Party Sites. Our site and services may contain links to websites controlled by parties other than us (each a "Third Party Site"). We work with a number of partners and affiliates whose sites are linked with our sites and services. We may also provide links to other citations or resources with whom it is not affiliated. We are not responsible for and do not endorse or accept any responsibility for the availability, contents, products, services or use of any Third Party Site, any website accessed from a Third Party Site or any changes or updates to such sites. We make no guarantees about the content or quality of the products or services provided by such sites. We are not responsible for webcasting or any other form of transmission received from any Third Party Site. We are providing these links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by us of the Third Party Site, nor does it imply that we sponsor, are affiliated or associated with, guarantee, or are legally authorized to use any trade name, registered trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may be reflected in the links. You acknowledge that you bear all risks associated with access to and use of content provided on a Third Party Site and agree that we are not responsible for any loss or damage of any sort you may incur from dealing with a third party. You should contact the site administrator for the applicable Third Party Site if you have any concerns regarding such links or the content located on any such Third Party Site.

Intellectual Property Applications. As part of an order for certain trademark and provisional patent products, you may be required to submit materials to us, such as specimens, drawings, or copies of your work, in order for us to complete your order and submit your document(s) to the relevant government office. Furthermore, you understand that while we may retain digital copies of your submission, we do not retain physical copies of my submissions and will not return those materials.

(a) Trademark and Patent. By placing your order, you give us the express authority to file your application with the USPTO. You understand that you may be contacted by the USPTO for other information after my application has been filed.

(b) Trademark TEAS Electronic Filing and Communications. We may authorize the USPTO, on your behalf, to contact you at the email address you have provided in your order. You agree to submit documents and communications electronically using the USPTO TEAS system. You understand that if you fail to comply with these requirements, the USPTO may charge you an additional $50 processing fee per class and that we will not pay it on your behalf.


Divorce Services Terms; Payment. The additional terms in this section apply to customers who purchase self-help mediation or divorce services (the “Divorce Services”). 

  1. Authorization for Filing. If you would like us to file documents on your behalf, you must complete the “Authorization for Filing” form and return it to us. This form will be provided to you after you purchase the services and authorizes us to submit documents to the court for processing on your behalf. Furthermore, it allows us to receive copies of court documents and other communications on your behalf. If you do not provide a signature on the “Authorization for Filing” form, we will be unable to submit your paperwork to the court.
  2. Service. We provide service of process by mail, where applicable, for no additional charge.
  3. Court. Some local and state courts may require a hearing to finalize your divorce.  We cannot represent you in court or at any hearings. If you have any additional questions about your hearing, you will need to consult an attorney.
  4. Court Filing Fees. You are responsible for payment of all required court filing fees in addition to any payments already made for the Divorce Services. 
  5. Refunds.  Any refunds will be credited to the method(s) of payment used to purchase the services. Any refunds for divorce package purchases shall be processed in accordance with the following policy:

If you decide not to proceed with the product, we can issue you a refund within 30 days of the date of purchase, subject to certain limitations detailed below.

In the event that the documents generated through our service are rejected by the court due to a defect in the documents, and you are no longer able to get your divorce, you will be provided a refund no greater than the amount of the purchase price for the products and/or services. Refunds shall only be granted when notification is provided to us within 30 days from the date of receiving rejection. Verification of any denial of acceptance or a rejection notice from the court may be requested. 

Refund limitations

The Divorce Services are comprehensive tools that rely on a significant amount of research, in order to allow you to understand the divorce process better. We provide information about the forms and divorce process, in addition to generating your documents for divorce. Due to the nature of the above, once you have accessed your portal after purchasing any of our Divorce Services, we will be unable to provide a refund. If you have not accessed your portal, documents, instructions, or other offerings, a refund is available within 30 days from the date of purchase.  

Please note that cooperation and signatures by each spouse is not guaranteed. It is your responsibility to properly follow instructions and file the documents. In the case of a spouse refusing to cooperate in the divorce process, Divorce Services will not provide refunds for services or incurred fees.

Additionally, it is your responsibility to ensure that your documents are completed accurately and filed in a timely manner to prevent court rejections or complications due to incorrect or outdated information, or missed court deadlines. We will not provide any refunds if you do not meet these responsibilities, or if your documents are rejected by the court for being incomplete, inaccurate, or not filed on time. 

We care greatly about your experience with our products and will take the time and opportunity to assist you should you have difficulty using our service. 

Installment Payment Options

If you have chosen an installment payments option you have authorized us to charge the credit or debit card you provided on a monthly basis until the amount for our products and services has been paid in full. If we are unable to collect a payment from you, we have the right to suspend your account, which may also result in a suspension of filing activity. Delays in payment may impact our ability to resume filing activity even after collection of delayed payment occurs, and refunds will not be issued in the event we cannot continue filing on your behalf due to a delay in payment. In order to receive your products and services, installment payments must be made on time. We reserve the right to collect on any unpaid fees through an independent collection agency.

You are responsible for communicating any credit or debit card updates to us if payments are owed. If your credit or debit card is declined for a monthly installment payment, we reserve the right to continue to periodically attempt to charge that credit or debit card until it is successfully charged the appropriate overdue amount unless a new credit or debit card is provided for the monthly installment payment(s).

Attorney Ethics Notice; Rules.

If you are an attorney participating in any aspect of our sites or services, including but not limited to interactive areas, (a) you agree not to provide specific legal advice in any of your content and to draft content which is competent, appropriate, educational, and in accordance with your state bar’s attorney ethics requirements; (b) you represent and warrant that you are an attorney in good standing with a license to practice law in at least one of the 50 United States of America or the District of Columbia; (c) you agree to promptly notify us of any grievance, claim, reprimand, or censure brought against you, as well as resignation or other loss of license; and (d) you acknowledge that the Rules of Professional Conduct of the jurisdictions where you are licensed ("Rules") apply to all aspects of your participation and that you will abide by these Rules. These Rules include, but are not limited to, the rules relating to advertising, solicitation of clients, rules regarding the establishment of attorney-client relationships, failure to maintain client confidences, unauthorized practice of law, and misrepresentations of fact. We disclaim all responsibility for your compliance with these Rules. We highly recommend that you include a disclaimer regarding the aforementioned advertising and ethics issues. We will have no liability to you arising out of or related to your compliance or noncompliance with such laws and rules, or related to our inclusion or failure to include a disclaimer.

Use of Artificial Intelligence.

In addition to the Rules above, if you are an attorney posting content on any of our sites or services, and such content (in whole or any part thereof) was created using, and/or relied on, any automated tools, such as artificial intelligence, you must also provide a clear and conspicuous disclosure on your content that artificial intelligence was used and/or relied upon. Any violation of this section may result in your temporary suspension and/or permanent ban of our sites and services, in our sole discretion.

No Solicitation.

You will not distribute to any persons or entities identified via our site any content or material containing solicitations or advertising of any kind without our express prior written permission. Attorneys and law firms are prohibited from soliciting employment from prospective clients through our sites or any of its interactive features. In no event may any person or entity solicit any users with data retrieved from our sites.

Additional Terms for Specific Services.

Trial Services. If you register for a trial use of any products or services (a “Trial Period”), you must decide to purchase the product or services within the Trial Period in order to retain any content that you have posted or uploaded during the Trial Period. If you do not purchase the product or service by the end of the Trial Period, any applicable content will no longer be available and you cannot access or retrieve any of the data added or created during the Trial Period. Products or services with a Trial Period may be subject to additional terms.

Avvo Specific Products Purchased by Attorneys/Firms.

Avvo, Inc. (“Avvo”) provides subscriptions of certain products to attorneys and/or law firms (“Avvo Services”). Such subscriptions may be subject to the additional terms, conditions and fees outlined in this section (collectively, the Avvo Specific Product Terms”). For purposes of this section, “you,” and/or “your” references the authorized attorney who entered into the applicable Order form for the Avvo products, either on behalf of such individual attorney, or on behalf of such attorney’s law firm. To the extent you have ordered any products listed below, those Avvo Specific Product Terms applicable to them are set forth on this page. These Avvo Specific Product Terms form part of your complete agreement for the products ordered, in addition to the applicable Order form and TOU. All capitalized terms not defined below are defined in the TOU. Certain products listed here are no longer provided to new customers, but continue to be listed here for purposes of legacy customer agreements.

Termination of any Avvo Service is subject to specific requirements noted below and/or on an applicable Order form. Generally, if you intend to terminate your entire account, you will be required to complete a Cancellation form provided by Avvo’s Support/Retention Department for your termination request to be completed. 

Fees for any Avvo Services may include set-up fees, deposits, transactional fees (described in an Order form), monthly subscription fees (described in an Order form), and other commitments (collectively, “Fees”). While some Fees may be expressed in terms of a monthly subscription fee, you are obligated for the sum of any monthly subscription fees or other types of periodic payments through the term of your Avvo Services. Any changes or additions to your selections for Avvo Services may impact the Fees. 

By accessing the Avvo website or using the Avvo Services, you agree to the TOU, Avvo’s Privacy Policy and Avvo’s Community Guidelines. Additionally, upon signing an Order Form, you understand and agree that a claimed attorney profile is required for the  Avvo Services and, if your profile is not already claimed, you authorize Avvo to claim your profile in order to process your order. 

Animated Display Ad.

“Avvo Animated Display Ads” is a recurring add-on subscription to an existing subscription to Avvo Advertising, which customizes ads by putting motion to certain elements of an attorney’s ad, such as firm name, personal name, logo and phone number.  You must maintain your subscription to Avvo Advertising in order to subscribe to Avvo Animated Display Ads.

Avvo Advanced.

“Avvo Advanced” is a recurring subscription of an enhanced profile and bundled marketing solution (consisting of TrueScheduler and Review Manager). The Avvo Advanced subscription may provide the following enhanced features to your Avvo profile:

  • Call Tracking Number
  • Removal of Competitor Ads off your Avvo Profile
  • Contact History Analytics
  • Enhanced Q&A card
  • Badges on Attorney profile
  • Open for Business and Virtual Consultation labels
  • Q&A and Legal Guides on Profile
  • Hiring Intent
  • Martindale-Avvo TrueScheduler
  • Review Manager

Avvo Advertising/Avvo Ads.

“Avvo Advertising” and/or “Avvo Ads” is a recurring subscription of advertising that positions you at the top of Avvo’s directory pages when consumers search for attorneys, browse relevant questions asked by consumers and read expert articles by lawyers. Avvo Advertising allows you to customize your advertising message, show multiple contact methods and highlight profile information that is not available in Avvo’s standard directory listings. 

Avvo will assign a tracking phone number to your Avvo Advertising to track your analytics.

Your Avvo Advertising will be featured for inquiries relevant to the practice areas and geographies you have agreed to. Geographic location is determined by the location entered in as part of the search and/or any geographic data available for where the search is originating.

Though we strive to meet the demand for Avvo Advertising, there may be times when advertising in your market is sold out. In those instances, we place your subscription on backorder until space becomes available. We fill backorders on a first-come, first-served basis. Your backordered subscription will hold your place in the advertising queue, and you will not be charged for your Avvo Advertising subscription until your subscription is activated.

For general questions or other inquiries regarding any advertising subscription, call 855-576-4493 during business hours (8am-5pm PT, Mon-Fri) or email [email protected].

Avvo Base Profile.

“Avvo Base Profile” is an enhanced profile on with all contact information, a legal resume and biography, which provides access to the consumer Q&A forum on 

Avvo Elite.

“Avvo Elite” is a recurring bundled subscription to an enhanced profile and targeted advertising. 

The Avvo Elite subscription may provide the following enhanced features to your Avvo Profile:

  • Call Tracking Number
  • Ad Level Tracking
  • Removal of Competitor Ads off your Avvo Profile
  • Contract History Analytics
  • Enhanced Q&A card
  • Badges on Attorney Profile
  • Open for Business and Virtual Consultation labels
  • Q&A and Legal Guides on Profile
  • Hiring Intent
  • Martindale-Avvo Truescheduler
  • Review Manager
  • Caller ID

Homepage Billboard Advertising.

“Homepage Billboard Advertising” is a recurring subscription to a billboard style advertisement on the landing page shown to users within the geographical location of the state in which the attorney practices, as indicated on an applicable Order form. You will provide Avvo images and other content (collectively, “Homepage Billboard Advertising Content”) for display on the homepage of

  • Homepage Billboard Advertising Content on  Within seven (7) days following the execution of an applicable Order Form, you shall provide to Avvo the Homepage Billboard Advertising Content, which will include a high resolution photo meeting the minimum size of 1200x1800 pixels.  Avvo, acting in its sole discretion, may reject such Homepage Billboard Advertising Content and require you to submit alternative Homepage Billboard Advertising Content. The Homepage Billboard Advertising Content will be exclusively displayed on the homepage of when a customer's IP address is located in the state identified on the Order Form for the applicable subscription length.  
  • License to Content; Firm Representations and Warranties.  You grant to Avvo a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide, assignable, and sublicensable right and license to use, publish, display, distribute, reproduce, copy, crop, edit, or otherwise make use of the Homepage Billboard Advertising Content in order to enable us to perform its obligations to you under the Order Form and these applicable terms.  You represent and warrant that you own all proprietary and intellectual property right, title, and interest in the Homepage Billboard Advertising Content and that you have all legal rights to grant the license herein.  You waive to the fullest extent any causes of action in law or equity that you may have or may hereafter acquire against us, our shareholders, officers, directors, employees, and agents for libel, slander, invasion of privacy, right of publicity, false light, or copyright or trademark violation arising out of or in connection with the Homepage Billboard Advertising Content.  You further represent and warrant that the Homepage Billboard Advertising Content is in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations governing attorney advertising, ethical obligations, licensure, and the practice of law, promulgated by any applicable jurisdiction, court, bar association, and any other governing body which are applicable to you.
  • Avvo Profile Subscription.  You must maintain an Avvo profile subscription during the term.  This Homepage Billboard Advertising subscription will immediately terminate upon the expiration or termination of your Avvo profile subscription. 
  • No Guarantees.  Avvo does not guarantee that you will receive new business or that any lead(s) will become a client of yours or need the services they sought. 

Martindale-Avvo ProVantage (aka Complete Profile Plus).

“Martindale-Avvo ProVantage” (also known as “Martindale-Avvo Complete Profile Plus”) is a recurring bundle subscription of enhanced profiles, which includes subscriptions to Avvo Base Profile, provided by Avvo and Martindale Base Profile, provided by MH Sub I, LLC dba Martindale, which includes full contact information, a scheduling tool and review manager. 

Martindale Base Profile.

Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Martindale Terms of Use found at “Martindale Base Profile” means the display of detailed information about your firm and its attorneys, with Content provided by the firm or obtained from the firm’s Website in accordance with the Terms of Use which may include the firm name and contact info, practice areas, associations, links, individual lawyer biographical information, individual lawyer email addresses, photos, clients, and case summaries and which may be enhanced by other Products. 

You authorize MH to include Your Content as applicable to the purchased Products and to allow it to be made available through the Media Outlets. Should your Martindale Base Profile match a user’s search criteria, then your Martindale Base Profile will be displayed in Online Directory search results at and ahead of lawyers and firms that are not customers of the Web Site Services. The fees for the Martindale Base Profile include a fee for the display for your MH rating (if applicable). Subject to the provisions of your Agreement, you are granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access and use MH provided Software and the Products only for internal business purposes in connection with the creation, updating, and maintenance of the Martindale Base Profile. You may not alter, copy, reproduce, transmit, display, distribute, sell, transfer, or dispose of in any manner, or create derivative works of, any of the protected proprietary items of MH, including, but not limited to, (i) the Software; (ii) the Products; (iii) the MH domain names; (iv) the MH Websites and all content therein; (v) the MH online services and all content therein; (vi) personalized website addresses within; (vii) MH owned or controlled logos, service marks and trademarks (the “Marks”) placed in any Products; and (viii) all Content other than Your Content, without the express written permission of an authorized representative of MH.


“TrueScheduler” is a recurring subscription that provides a scheduling service for the legal industry. TrueScheduler allows users to request appointments with law firms and attorneys based upon the attorney or law firm’s availability. The option to request an appointment through TrueScheduler can appear on,, or a customer’s Martindale-hosted website (see “Website” below for more information). 


Avvo’s Websites product (“Website(s)”) is a recurring subscription of a performance website built for attorneys by Martindale Hubbell using templates designed for lawyers and law firms. Your subscription to Website can be Bronze, Silver or WebVantage. Bronze provides a library content by practice area and transfer of up to 25 pages of content from an existing website. Silver or WebVantage provide up to two pages of professionally-written starter content and transfer of up to 50 pages of content from an existing webpage. WebVantage will also pull in reviews from third party sources onto your Website, including your firm’s Google reviews, so long as the firm has reviews to pull in. For Google reviews to be used, you must grant Martindale Hubbell with Manager Access to your Google Business Profile account. See Website Bronze, Silver and WebVantage Statement of Work (below) for additional information. 

Website requires you to maintain your subscription to either Avvo Advertising, Avvo Elite or Avvo Advanced in order to maintain the applicable pricing provided on your Order Form. If you cancel your Avvo Advertising, Avvo Elite or Avvo Advanced subscription, the monthly amount for your Website subscription will increase to list price starting on the month following the effective date of cancellation.  

  • Website Bronze, Silver and WebVantage Statement of Work:

This Statement of work ("SOW") incorporates Avvo's Terms of Use and the Legal Supplemental Terms. In the event of any conflict between the TOU and this SOW, the terms of this SOW shall control. Websites (Bronze, Silver and WebVantage) are produced by our partners at Martindale-Hubbell and are subject to the additional product terms outlined at

Project overview

  • Websites are performance websites built for attorneys by Martindale-Hubbell, featuring templates designed for lawyers and law firms. Clients receive a responsive, mobile-friendly website focused on client conversion.

Key deliverables

  • One domain purchase and registration, transfer, or setup.
  • Martindale-Hubbell will purchase one domain and register it on behalf of the client. Domains must be publicly available at standard prices (i.e., not a "parked" or "premium" domain). Upon cancellation, the client retains ownership of the domain if requested but must transfer the domain to another registrar or hosting account.
  • Clients with an existing domain have the option of transferring the domain to Martindale Hubbell's registrar and hosting account or leaving it with the current registrar. If clients choose to keep the domain with their current registrar, clients are solely responsible for renewing the domain each year.
  • One website built on Martindale-Hubbell’s internal website platform using a template.


  • Choice of one template and color scheme.
  • Adaptation of color scheme to client's branding (if applicable).
  • Responsive website that passes Google's mobile-friendly test.
  • Content

Bronze Website

  • Library content by practice area.

Silver Website

  • Up to two pages of professionally-written starter content.
  • “Custom Content" drafted by legal marketing professionals that is unique to the client's website and will not be used on any other websites that are not related to the client. All Custom Content that is presented to the client is considered final for purposes of launching the website. Content transfer (if applicable) including:
  • Addition of material provided by client to website.
  • Avvo Bronze: transfer of up to 25 pages of content from existing website. Does not include editing or SEO analysis of existing content.
  • Avvo Silver: transfer of up to 50 pages of content from existing website. Does not include editing or SEO analysis of existing content.


“WebVantage” means the development maintenance and hosting of responsive websites, which includes the following features:

  • One page of Custom Content at launch for the Home Page (additional custom content can be added and is sold separately); “Legal Marketing Content” or starter content from our content library; “Ported-Over Content” or content (text only) that we will transfer to the new website. All Ported-Over Content must be supplied by client from client’s pre-existing website and be owned by, or appropriately licensed to, client;
  • A unique toll-free or local phone number for call tracking selected by us that will be routed to the phone number provided by client to help track phone calls generated by the website. 
  • One Review and Awards page, which will include third party reviews, including Google Reviews, so long as the client and/or firm has reviews to pull in. For Google reviews to be used, client must grant us with Manager Access to their Google Business Profile account. 
  • If client subscribes to our ProVantage (Complete Profile Plus) or Base Profile services, we can pull a sample of directory reviews from the website; and
  • Monthly customer support for the website.

Support services

Google Analytics setup and integration including:

  • Creation of Google Analytics and Search Console accounts for the client.
  • Submission of website to Google for indexing.

Support services including:

  • Monthly customer support for the website.

Other services included:

  • FAQ Page(s) based on client’s participation in answering pre-selected questions.
  • One Review and Awards page.
  • “Social Starter” which means the online curation of published articles relevant to pre-selected areas of legal practice you select to participate in along with the distribution of the articles onto social media profiles including Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. The service uses a proprietary interface that allows for selection of articles and a choice of manual or automatic distribution of the selected articles onto the social media profiles indicated above.

Project timeline

Delivery of fully-functional initial build (first draft of website)

  • Within three weeks after receiving completed Creative Discovery form and all other necessary items.

Completion of website revisions

  • Between one day to one week, depending on complexity of request.
  • Delivery of live website (domain setup, site visible to search engines, submission of website to Google for indexing, and all settings configured)
  • All customers will have three (3) business days to review their website before moving to the live phase.

Other terms

  • Upon delivery of initial build and subsequent revisions, the client is responsible for requesting further changes or giving permission for the site to go live. All requests must go through [email protected]. Calls, emails, and requests to other people at Avvo (such as account managers, sales representatives, or customer care representatives) are not guaranteed to be forwarded to the Websites team or fulfilled.
  • The monthly fee for the Avvo websites service includes access to support services. Billing starts and continues regardless of website build status. Any delay or lack of communication on the client's part will not constitute a breach of timeline and will be non-refundable.
  • Website templates and infrastructure are proprietary and belong solely to Martindale-Hubbell. Upon cancellation, clients will receive a data file that allows them to import content (but not design, code, or the website as a whole) to a new site or will be provided with a file containing their content. Clients will also receive support for transferring their domain away from Martindale's registrar or hosting account if applicable. Avvo does not provide FTP access for other web hosts to 'take over' hosting of client's website.
  • The Websites service does not include custom coding or the ability to install additional plugins. While we do our best to accommodate all requests, fulfilling any requests outside of the scope of this statement of work or the functionality demonstrated on our sample sites will be at our discretion.

Inquiries and Contact Term.


You authorize us to contact you by telephone at the number you have provided. Telephone calls may include prerecorded or artificial voice messages and calls using an automatic telephone dialing system. Your consent is not a condition of your purchase.

You agree that any calls to or from us may be monitored or recorded for training or quality assurance purposes.

Last updated: August 28, 2024